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Did you know that there are over 7000 spoken languages in the world today? Translating from one language to another is of the utmost importance. Proper translation lets people communicate and understand the ideas and cultures of others without being multilingual. Nobody is fluent in all 7000 languages of the world. We are one world though we are made up of many ways of life. We can eliminate some of the barriers we face if we can “speak” each other’s language. Language service providers can help us connect and do business with people all over the globe. Putting our words into the language of those receiving our information brings us closer together.

We are connected in a world through the internet, yet language can still be a deterrent to communication. We can create a business image of inclusion with anyone in any country if we reach out in their own language, thus expanding our markets globally. This can best be accomplished with business translation.

By translating your documents, web content, scholastic papers, legal documents, and correspondence into different languages, you increase your reach around the globe. You show that you want to create a positive experience for those receiving the information. You create trust and familiarity. For business entities, greater trust creates greater revenue. It allows you to expand into more markets worldwide and can help edge out the competition. It is always said that we do business with people we know, like, and trust. When you show that you want to communicate in the language of the people you’re doing business with, they get to know, like, and trust you much more quickly. Don’t make them struggle. Make it easy for them to feel comfortable in who you are and what you do.

But isn’t translating into different languages difficult?

Of course, translating is not always a simple process. It often requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances, idioms, slang, and the dos and don’ts of the people you wish to reach. Many languages require a greater degree of accuracy than can be gleaned from mechanical translations. For example, Asian languages can be difficult to navigate. Translating into Chinese can be complicated business and translations need to be carefully considered based on cultural and spiritual influences.

For example, Chinese Simplified is the official written language of China, but Mandarin is the spoken dialect. Written content should be translated into Chinese Simplified, but if you plan to speak to someone, you may need a interpreter to help you with the Mandarin. The Chinese language is spoken by one in five users on the internet. China is the second largest economy in the world, and you should not assume that any native Chinese speakers also speak English. Having someone adept in translating into the Chinese can be a powerful tool for doing businesses in this enormous market.

Of course, Spanish translation is widely used and needed. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, on the web, and in business everywhere. In the United States, Spanish is used in many businesses, schools, and legal entities. There are over 500 million Spanish speakers, and though considered one of the easiest to speak and learn for a native English speaker, vocabulary and idioms differ between countries and regions around Europe and Latin America.

Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Peru are among the top 50 countries in the world experiencing the greatest business growth. It would be foolish to not realize the power that translating documents into Spanish means, especially for businesses looking to expand their reach.

Translators and translation providers are needed and used all over the world. Japanese, Russian, Arabic, French, Italian, and German, just to name some of the more common languages, are being translated every day. Legal documents are often complicated and there is a constant need for translation into and out of these languages, requiring the expertise of a professional translation provider. One small mistake can mean many big headaches. Are mistakes, however minor, worth your company’s reputation?

What is the best way to get my business documents translated?

Choosing the right translation method and service provider is paramount if you want to be sure of accuracy across languages and cultural frameworks and undertones.

At Metafraze, we partner with many small businesses, enterprise level companies, and government organizations in providing translation & localization services. We have three levels of translation – raw machine translation, machine translation with post editing giving it the human touch, and full human translation.

We offer businesses a sample translation of any document up to 100 words to allow you to experience our work. Please contact us if you would like a quote on any projects, you are currently involved in where our services can be utilized to assist you.

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